List of Ishaan episodes

This is a list of episodes for the Disney Channel India Original Series Ishaan. Disney Channel India is currently airing the first season. A 21 episode series, Ishaan - Season One, which aired on Disney Channel received great appreciation, with the season finale getting the highest TRP of 1.05! In a class of its own, Ishaan is the first musical to hit Indian television. Music, drama and humour went hand in hand to create a new, innovative form of storytelling.

The show explores a young boy's journey as he discovers himself through music. He finds friends, dreams and the strength to pursue them…


Until he was faced by a question that would change everything as he knew it…

Fame or friends?

A story of being young, where life is filled with fun, laughter and music. A journey... Of friendship, adventure and dreams...

List Of Episodes in Ishaan

Season 1: 2010

Episode #1

The lead singer of Rock Its has a throat problem. Ishaan - Come Mandy Come | 15 MAY 2010
This is the first episode aired by Disney Channel India with a special one hour episode. Ishaan is studying in Sacred Hearts High School. His school's music band,Rock Its, is participating in a competition named Karma Yatra. They are having a competition with Gulmohar High School's band, The Super Troopers. The members of Rock Its want Mandy to sing for this competition. The competition begins and Super Trooper's members (Kabir and friends) sing a rocking song. When it comes on to Ishaan's school, Mandy becomes nervous in front of the audience and runs away. He is dressed in a bad imitation of Elvis Presley. After that, Ishaan sings and the audience loves the song. Kabir then tries to bribe the judge of the competition.

This episode Includes three songs:

1. "Ishaan Is Just So Impossible"-By Ishaan's teacher and friends

2. I'm the one . Performed by the Super Troopers band with Kabir in the lead

3." Pyaari Yaari Dosti Hai"-performed by Rock Its band and Ishaan

4. Standing pretty under the evening written by Pulkit and puked by Ishaan

Episode #2

Ishaan is Pareshaan | 16 MAY 2010
It turns out that the Rock It's have won the Karma Yatra. After Ishaan wins the competition, he becomes popular among kids and teachers. Every one wants an autograph from him. He is then elected class monitor, basketball team captain, lab monitor and so on. He even gets a huge mole. In the end, Ishaan's mom is called in his school and principal tells her that she has to pay the fees of Ishaan, otherwise he will be rusticated from school as his scholarship has been cancelled. Kabir is excluded from his band when the principal of his school found about the bribery he offered to the judge.

Episode #3

Ishaan's New School - Gulmohar High | 22 MAY 2010
Ishaan's mother is tense about paying the fees of his school. Ishaan believes that she will be able to do that. Meanwhile Ishaan has an annoying meeting with Mun-Mun. When Ishaan returns home he finds that his mother will not be able to pay his fees. He talks to his mother and decides to go to Dehradun to live with his grandparents. His friends are very sad after hearing his decision. While going out, the principal of Gulmohar High school calls his mother and offers Ishaan to study in his school with his scholarship.

Episode #4

You all can't tease or yell at me! | 23 MAY 2010
Ishaan talks with the principal of Gulmohar High and agrees to go to his school. He is again late to his new school. He is taunted by everyone except Mun-Mun who is crazy about him. He is made to sit with his rival Shyla. He ends up with a war of words with his rival Kabir in the music room. The Super Troopers and Ishaan are punished, so everyone is angry at Ishaan. At first he listens quietly but when the water reaches its height, he tells them that he will not go away from this school. The principal calls everyone for an announcement and declares Ishaan as the lead singer of the Super Trooper band. Everyone is surprised and Kabir is angry. This episode contains one song.

Naya school, Nayi Ishaan.

Episode #5

The Science Project | 29 MAY 2010
A new girl named Himani(who is Kabir's friend) teases Ishaan with her three friends. Fortunately, Ishaan hears abouth this so he too teases her and this makes Himani angry! Ishaan is now sitting with Mun-Mun and he is now Mun-Mun's science partner. Mun-Mun introduces Ishaan to Bubbles, Mun-Mun's earlier science partner. The teacher tells the class that they have a science project class tomorrow. Ishaan agrees but Sunny (Shyla's science partner) has a problem on his project and Ishaan explains it to him. Later in the science class, all are ready for their projects to be shown. Kabir and Himani plan to make Ishaan's project a disaster, so they tell everybody that they are told to check the bags & the class goes outside, Himani breaks the wires and replaces them with wrong ones so that smoke comes out. When the class comes in, Ishaan's and Mun-Mun's faces are covered with smoke. Ishaan soon runs to the fat teacher, takes her bulb and replaces it into the project just in time. Ishaan shows the teacher the project perfectly! Later, the teacher says the results for 2nd place have gone to Ishaan and Mun-Mun and 1st place to Shyla and Sunny!! After Sunny thanks Ishaan, Shyla hears him and scolds Sunny. Later in the band practices, Ishaan is ignored by Ron, Pulkit, and Shyla, so he gets angry and leaves. Kabir, who saw this, becomes happy.

Episode #6

Can I be friends with you Ron? | 30 MAY 2010
Ishaan is now friends with Sonny, Bubbles and Mun-Mun & his mission must go long, so Mun-Mun helps him in this. She tells him about Ron, the guy who loves food and tells Ishaan to become friends with him and promises Ishaan to help him make friends with Shyla and Pulkit.

Episode #7

Continuing Friendship | 5 JUNE 2010
Ishaan continues trying to make friendship with the Super Troopers. He gives a surprise to Shyla by giving her Raga Rock concert tickets. He kept tickets in her bag, and Shyla thanked Kabir for the tickets as she thought he had kept the tickets in her bag. And Kabir who is clueless takes the credits for it. When she saw the bulletin board (on which Kabir attached pictures of Ishaan showing that he is spying Gulmohar High for Sacred Hearts) she sees that picture in which Ishaan gives the same envelope. Then she understands that Ishaan has kept the tickets in her bag. Then she goes to Kabir and says him that she doesn't like the Raga Rock band and then she asks him why he bought tickets. She removes the pictures from the bulletin board & writes that Ishaan is not spying. Finally in the classroom, Ishaan finds a Thank You note in his bag from Shyla. Ishaan is now Shyla's friend also. During the end credits, you can see Bubbles practicing how to say Happy Rose Day to Mun-mun and Sunny helps him to say it suavely, but Ishaan comes in between and says that no one will give a rose to her to give her a surprise.

Episode #8

Rose Day + Mun Mun's Birthday | 6 JUNE 2010
Today Gulmohar school is celebrating Rose Day. Also, today is Mun mun's birthday. Kabir gives a rose to Shyla but she didn't accept it. But when Ishaan gives the rose to Shyla, she takes it happily. Pulkit has now become much friendlier to Ishaan, which makes Kabir jealous. Everyone is exchanging roses, but Mun-mun gets not even a single rose, so she becomes sad but suddenly Mandy gave her a surprise as he comes to meet Mun-mun in Gulmohar School. He takes her to the canteen and she gets a b'day surprise by everyone which was planned by Ishaan. She requests the Super Troopers band to sing her a song and so they did. Seeing this, Kabir takes revenge for Shyla (because she didn't accept the rose from him )by calling Shyla's father the tennis teacher, and says to him that she has not gone for her tennis practice; instead, she is enjoying the party in the canteen. Ishaan & the Super Troopers sing the title song, 'Sapno ko awaaz de '... During the end credits, you can see Himani taking one rose from Munmun's Flower bucket.

Episode #9

Shyla's Time Table | 12 June 2010
Shyla's dad i.e. her tennis teacher as well; tells Shyla to quit the band. Surprisingly, Kabir comes & says sorry to Ishaan and they become friends. Now, the Super Troopers band is missing a member who can play synthesizer, but they couldn’t find any. So, Ishaan suggests Kabir as their next synthesizer player. But they also try hard to be with Shyla again in their band, which leads to making up the time table for Shyla in which she can concentrate both on Tennis as well as Music. They show this time table (made by Mun-mun) to Shyla's dad in which she promise that she'll always choose tennis between music & tennis. This episode includes the Tick Tock song, based upon Shyla.

Episode #10

Ishaan Ki Hasi Gumn Gayi… | 13 June 2010
Shyla is back in the band. Ishaan introduces Mandy to all his Gulmohar School friends. At home, Ishaan notices that his mom is quite disturbed because of something. Ishaan later finds that her mother has been fired by her boss due to some reason. Her mother pretends to be okay and Ishaan tries to cheer her up. At school also, he tries to share about this stuff to Shyla but she is busy with tennis. All the time during classes also, Ishaan keeps on thinking about her mother. Seeing this, all his friends, Munmun, Ron, Pulkit, Mandy, Bubbles & Sunny show him a puppet show about an elephant whose smile is lost just like Ishaan. This brings back Ishaan's sweet smile. This episode includes song 'Hathi ki hasi kaha hai' performed by all Ishaan's friends through a puppet show.

Episode #11 and 12

Special Episodes| 19 & 20 June 2010
These two episodes include the summary of all episodes of Ishaan. All the episodes are compressed into two with all the songs and moments. It was aired On Demand by the people who wanted the episodes to air again.

Episode #13

I'm going out of the band guys! | 26 June 2010
Ishaan is disappointed of his mother losing her job, later the principal calls the Super Troopers to sing a song, but Ishaan refuses & goes out , when Mun-Mun comes out to talk to him, Ishaan says 'statue' & leaves, later Shyla asks Mun Mun where Ishaan has gone, when Mun Mun tells her, Shyla goes and meets Ishaan sitting disappointed, when Ishaan tells Shyla about his mother's job, Shyla says that do not worry about their parent's problems, but Ishaan still is disappointed,so he decides to leave the band and give his place to Kabir, everyone is in a sad mood but Kabir gets happy. Later he and his mother has a conversation about her job and his mother says to read his father's diary, but when Ishaan reads it he completely doesn't understand it, later he found out that this was a song and he sings this song with his mother, later at the school Ishaan is back in the band and everyone is happy except Kabir, but he pretends that he is happy. This episode has the song 'Dil ka hai jo haal' in the acoustic version.

Episode #14

Competition for Super Troopers | 27 June 2010
Ishaan and his friends Pulkit,Ron,Sunny,Bubbles,Mun Mun,Kabir,Himani and Himani's three friends, are having a small game in a room, as the strict teacher blows to the room and shouts to the students and says that the principal has called Kabir, Kabir goes to the principal and finds out that his father is taking him to Canada for higher studies, Kabir isn't happy but says goodbye to his friends. Later the band is chosen to go to a singing competition named All-India Singing Competition 2010 and when they enters they sing a song that Ron made, later when the results are told the Gulmohar High Schools Super Troopers are at the third place, they shout with joy!! Later Ishaan introduces Shyla,Ron and Pulkit to his mother and then Ishaan's mother tells the three to go to Ishaan's room and says to Ishaan that she got a new job, later they have an awesome dance to the title song Sapno Ko Awaaz De, Mandy comes and congratulate them and dances with them, later there's a call from Shyla's father to Shyla, and he says that the tennis finals are near and even says the date later when Shyla says this to the others they shouts with joy, but Shyla says that the singing competition date and the tennis finals date is on the same date & everybody is surprised.

Episode #15

Late to the Singing Competition | 3 JULY 2010
Pulkit, Ron, Ishaan, Shyla, and Mandy are planning how to do the Tennis and Singing Competition in one day, Later Pulkit says its 10 km from the Tennis Court to the Music Competition Stage, Shyla says she can't come, but Ishaan's mom says that their car is there. Everyone is waiting for the band to come, when the teacher comes she asks where is the band ,Mun-Mun tries to make her feel better. Later, the band goes to tennis finals, and Shyla won, and everyone's happy, and they all run to the car , later when Ron says something bad is going to happen, the car stopped, everyone is blaming Ron, and waits till a vehicle comes, then when Ron says A bus will come, A bus actually came , they got in and saw Arshad Warsi cleaning a bike, before getting off, they say Thank You and when they leave the bus the actor tells them Sapno Ko Awaaz De.They ran, but they are late and rejected but Ishaan says that he has a plan.

Episode #16

We're not in the Competition guys! | 4 July 2010
Ishaan and his friends are rejected, and are in a very sad mood, they are not in the All-India Singing Competition, later Ishaan tells a plan to his friends, mother, and teacher. In the stage an old lady has been talking a very long speech, which makes the audience feel drowsy, So the three friends of Himani step into the light room and says the guy there that someone has sent them there, so he goes out to find him. And Ishaan's mom went to the song controller and asked the controller to put a song, when he showed it, Ishaan and his friends started to sing, later when they gave the results, Ishaan's band did not come 1st, but they were not worried. The band which came first told them that if they were in the compitetion it would be difficult to win and defeat them. When the performance was over, one of the judges gives them a studios card and tells them to make an album.

Episode #17

What a party! | 10 July 2010
It's Saturday and the Super Troopers are called to school. Ishaan sees Mrs.G and asks her if she knows why they are called on Saturday. Mrs.G takes them somewhere and they meet their friends partying. The song 'Dil Ka Hai Jo Haal'( in the rock version ) is sung by Ishaan and later on Shyla joins in singing. In the end the principal says that they should make a demo album. They decide to use the studio card given to them by the judge of the Music Competition.